We Interview Jason Arnold, Owner of Arnold’s Home Improvement

Best roofing companies

We recently interviewed Arnold’s Home Improvement owner Jason Arnold, who told us all about how his business got started, as well as some of the difficult times he encountered in the beginning.

Why did you choose to start your own business?

Jason Arnold: When I was 16, a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to help his brothers-in-law, Toledo firefighters Tom Dugan and Tom Farley, with a few roofing jobs. After a couple of weeks, I was hooked; heights never bothered me and I enjoyed the hard work. I worked with them until I was 18 years old, when an injury to Tom D. presented me with the opportunity to purchase their tools and truck. The next day, I started Arnold’s Roofing.

Can you describe your business to us?

Jason Arnold: When I started back in 1990, I wanted to bring a customer-focused, service-oriented mindset to the home improvement field. The idea of being able to help people understand and work their way through to a successful home improvement project is why I started Arnold’s Roofing.

Where there ever times that you thought about giving up?

Jason Arnold: Like a lot of start-up businesses, those early days were hard. Most days I would wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning, head to the job site and work with the guys all day long. Then I would go home, get cleaned up and go out to my estimate calls in the evening. Some days I wouldn’t get done with everything until 1 AM. Looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing.

How do you go about marketing your business?

Jason Arnold: We work hard to educate and provide home improvement resources, tips and information to help you better understand your home improvement project, what to ask before hiring a home improvement company and how best to work with a home improvement contractor.

We still think it’s important that when you call our office, we answer the phone. That is why our office is staffed with knowledgeable service professionals to answer questions and assist with scheduling your free, no-hassle estimate.

Finally, what is your philosophy on customer service?

Jason Arnold: Yes. Our relentless commitment to making sure our customers are completely satisfied is still priority number one. We still hold very true to our core values of operating this company with complete honesty and integrity. We don’t telemarket and don’t employ pushy, aggressive, annoying sales people.

We understand that Arnold’s Home Improvement is only as good as the laborer on the job site–those who are doing the work and cleaning up. I could be the best business owner in the world, but to our customers, we are only as good as the people they deal with.

Arnold’s Home Improvement has been serving its local community near Mason, Ohio for over 23 years. Anyone who would like to learn more about Arnold’s Home Improvement can find complete information about the company online at www.arnoldshomeimprovement.com/mason-ohio Visit here for more information. Refernce materials. Ger more information on this topic here.

6 responses to “We Interview Jason Arnold, Owner of Arnold’s Home Improvement”

  1. I love doing home improvement jobs on my own, but there are a few things that I cannot do on my own.

  2. I agree with that. Some things are fine, but others I just assume leave it in the hands of pros.

  3. I agree with that. Some things are fine, but others I just assume leave it in the hands of pros.